Results for 'Daniela K. Helbig'

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  1.  43
    Life without Toothache: Hans Blumenberg's Zettelkasten and History of Science as Theoretical Attitude.Daniela K. Helbig - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (1):91-112.
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    The Power of Good: A Leader's Personal Power as a Mediator of the Ethical Leadership-Follower Outcomes Link.Daniela K. Haller, Peter Fischer & Dieter Frey - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355964.
    The study's goal was to examine the socially responsible power use in the context of ethical leadership as an explanatory mechanism of the ethical leadership-follower outcomes link. Drawing on the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969/1982 ), we explored a power-based process model, which assumes that a leader's personal power is an intervening variable in the relationship between ethical leadership and follower outcomes, while incorporating the moderating role of followers' moral identity in this transformation process. The results of a two-wave field study (...)
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  3. Episodic future thinking.Cristina M. Atance & Daniela K. O'Neill - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (12):533-539.
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    A step at a time: Preliterate children’s simulation of narrative movement during story comprehension.Agnieszka M. Fecica & Daniela K. O’Neill - 2010 - Cognition 116 (3):368-381.
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    The Known and the Lived. Studies in Techno-Scientific 'Experience'.Daniela Helbig - unknown
    There are few doubts about the significance of science and technology for modern human culture and society. But as historians, we are still struggling to find appropriate descriptive terms to capture the broad processes of transformation brought about by “techno-science,” the merging of technical production and modern institutionalized science. This dissertation argues that the term “experience” may serve as such an analytic lens in the specific historical setting of German aviation research from the 1920s through 1945. I reconstruct, on the (...)
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    The metaphor of epigenesis: Kant, Blumenbach and Herder.Daniela Helbig & Dalia Nassar - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 58:98-107.
  7.  24
    Gebäude auf Abbruch? The digital archive of Kant’s Opus postumum.Daniela Helbig - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):59-77.
    Over two hundred years after Immanuel Kant’s death, the first full, critical, and digital edition of his last manuscript is currently being completed by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. This edition stands in institutional continuity with Wilhelm Dilthey’s monumental Akademieausgabe of Kant’s writings that was grounded in Dilthey’s lastingly influential concept of the national, literary-philosophical archive. The new edition showcases Kant’s dynamic writing process as a matter of investigation in its own right. As I argue here, it brings into view (...)
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    Sports Medicine and Ethics.Daniela Testoni, Christoph P. Hornik, P. Brian Smith, Daniel K. Benjamin & Ross E. McKinney - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):4 - 12.
    Physicians working in the world of competitive sports face unique ethical challenges, many of which center around conflicts of interest. Team-employed physicians have obligations to act in the club's best interest while caring for the individual athlete. As such, they must balance issues like protecting versus sharing health information, as well as issues regarding autonomous informed consent versus paternalistic decision making in determining whether an athlete may compete safely. Moreover, the physician has to deal with an athlete's decisions about performance (...)
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  9. The idea of the earth in Günderrode, Schelling, and Hegel.Karen Ng & Daniela Katharina Helbig - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal, The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  10.  44
    Motivational Influences on Performance Monitoring and Cognitive Control Across the Adult Lifespan.Nicola K. Ferdinand & Daniela Czernochowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Die Macht des Ästhetischen.Manfred Moldaschl, Anil K. Jain & Daniela Manger (eds.) - 2018 - München: Edition Fatal.
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    The relationship between environmentally induced emotion and memory for a naturalistic virtual experience.Aria S. Petrucci, Cade McCall, Guy Schofield, Victoria Wardell, Omran K. Safi & Daniela J. Palombo - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (1):180-195.
    Emotional stimuli (e.g. words, images) are often remembered better than neutral stimuli. However, little is known about how memory is affected by an environmentally induced emotional state (without any overtly emotional occurrences) – the focus of this study. Participants were randomly assigned to discovery (n = 305) and replication (n = 306) subsamples and viewed a desktop virtual environment before rating their emotions and completing objective (i.e. item, temporal-order, duration) and subjective (e.g. vividness, sensory detail, coherence) memory measures. In both (...)
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  13. Daniela K. O'Neill University of Waterloo.Cristina M. Atance - 2001 - In Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon, The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Erlbaum. pp. 121.
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    Movement-Related Activity of Human Subthalamic Neurons during a Reach-to-Grasp Task.Monika Pötter-Nerger, Rene Reese, Frank Steigerwald, Jan Arne Heiden, Jan Herzog, Christian K. E. Moll, Wolfgang Hamel, Uri Ramirez-Pasos, Daniela Falk, Maximilian Mehdorn, Christian Gerloff, Günther Deuschl & Jens Volkmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  15. Differential vulnerability of substantia nigra and corpus striatum to oxidative insult induced by reduced dietary levels of essential fatty acids.Henriqueta D. Cardoso, Priscila P. Passos, Claudia J. Lagranha, Anete C. Ferraz, Eraldo F. Santos Júnior, Rafael S. Oliveira, Pablo E. L. Oliveira, Rita de C. F. Santos, David F. Santana, Juliana M. C. Borba, Ana P. Rocha-de-Melo, Rubem C. A. Guedes, Daniela M. A. F. Navarro, Geanne K. N. Santos, Roseane Borner, Cristovam W. Picanço-Diniz, Eduardo I. Beltrão, Janilson F. Silva, Marcelo C. A. Rodrigues & Belmira L. S. Andrade da Costa - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    K-pop, ativismo de fã e desobediência epistêmica: um olhar decolonial sobre os ARMYs do BTS.Krystal Urbano, Daniela Mazur, Mayara Araujo & Afonso De Albuquerque - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    Os fãs de K-pop têm chamado a atenção da mídia internacional por conta de seu engajamento em causas políticas e sociais em diversos países. No intuito de investigar a dimensão política do ativismo desses fãs em específico, este artigo se propõe a abordar o impacto global do K-pop, tendo em vista o debate mais abrangente sobre decolonialidade. Para tanto, utilizamos como objeto de análise o recente caso do fã-clube oficial do BTS, conhecido como ARMY, que desafiou os posicionamentos do presidente (...)
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    Students’ perspectives on Critical Mathematics Education.Daniela Steflitsch & Andrew Brantlinger - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:263-273.
    Theoretically, critical mathematics education (CME) differs markedly from traditional, teacher-centered mathematics teaching approaches. In addition to meeting mathematical goals, a main focus of CME lies on fostering students’ critical consciousness and positioning them as active and informed actors in the classroom and beyond. However, only few empirical studies explicitly focus on how students experience CME instruction and curriculum. In this contribution, we draw on interview data to examine how K-12 students in one Austrian and one American school setting respond to (...)
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    La famille, les femmes et le quotidien (XIVe-XVIIIe siècle). Textes offerts à Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Rassemblés par Isabelle Chabot, J.Daniela Lombardi - 2009 - Clio 30.
    Cet hommage à Christiane Klapisch-Zuber est mené à plusieurs voix. Mais les éditeurs ont le mérite d’avoir conféré une ligne originale à ce recueil d’essais en convainquant C. K.-Z. d’y publier un texte présenté au congrès annuel de la Renaissance Society of America qui s’était tenu à Florence en mars 2000, texte déjà publié en italien dans la revue Genesis. Rivista della Società italiana delle Storiche en 2002. Le présent volume s’ouvre donc, d’une façon plutôt inhabituelle, par les mots mê...
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  19.  38
    The Actual and the Rational: Hegel and Objective Spirit. By Jean-François Kervégan, translated by Daniela Ginsburg and Martin Shuster.Jon K. Burmeister - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2):245-248.
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    Res illa quae cognoscitur“ v Suárezových Metafyzických disputacích Odpověď na kritickou poznámku Daniela Heidera „K objektivnímu bytí u Suáreze.Jan Palkoska - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (3):93-105.
  21.  10
    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Ronald Deibert - 2014 - MIT Press.
    How social media and DIY communities have enabled new forms of political participation that emphasize doing and making rather than passive consumption. Today, DIY—do-it-yourself—describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and “critical making” that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists (...)
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Matt Ratto & Megan Boler (eds.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Today, DIY -- do-it-yourself -- describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and "critical making" that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting (...)
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    Skutočná podstata ja.Michaela Košová - 2014 - Pro-Fil 2014 (S1):50-64.
    Článok sa zaoberá tematikou filozofického problému ja. Konfrontuje rôzne teórie za cieľom prísť s alternatívou, ktorá ich v istom zmysle zároveň vyťažuje i prekonáva. Najskôr je predstavená koncepcia Colina McGinna, ktorý poukazuje na vzdorovitosť ja voči bežným teoretickým prístupom a dospieva k „transcendentálnemu naturalizmu“. Tento postoj spočíva v tvrdení, že existuje skrytá objektívna štruktúra ja, ktorú však kvôli svojim kognitívnym obmedzeniam nie sme schopní nahliadnuť. Ďalej prichádzajú na radu na psychologických výskumoch založené úvahy Daniela Wegnera a Daniela Dennetta. (...)
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  24.  19
    [Īśvara-Pratyabhijñā-Vimarśinī ] ; Īśvara-Pratyabhijñā-Vimarśinī of Abhinavagupta : doctrine of divine recognition.K. A. Abhinavagupta, Kanti Chandra Subramania Iyer, R. C. Pandey & Dwivedi (eds.) - 1986 - Motilal Banarsidass Publ..
    Commentary and supercommentary, with text, on Īśvarapratyabhijñā, classical verse work, expounding the Trika philosophy in Kashmir Sivaism, by Utpala, fl. 900-950.
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    Open commonsality: towards prophetic ecumenism.K. C. Abraham - 2023 - Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Kerala United Theological Seminary, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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  26. How the Benthamites Became Democrats.K. M. Adams - 1941 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 7:161.
  27. De Civitate Dei: le vocabulaire politique de saint Cyrille d'Alexandrie.K. Adshead - 1990 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 78 (2):233-240.
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    Secondary Traumatic Stress in Italian Police Officers: The Role of Job Demands and Job Resources.Daniela Acquadro Maran, Margherita Zito & Lara Colombo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  29. Studia aesthetica.Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska (eds.) - 2018 - Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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    New Jersey Superior Court broadens physician's duty to warn.K. J. Dempsey - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (4):391.
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    The Politician and the Philosopher (Some Lessons from Machiavelli).K. M. Dolgov - 1988 - Dialectics and Humanism 15 (3-4):59-66.
  32. Gender identity among air force female aviators.K. O. Dunivin - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Religion-Islam.K. Gambier - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (4):231-260.
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    Concept of truth in science and religion.K. D. Gangrade - 2005 - New Delhi: Concept Pub. Co.. Edited by L. S. Kothari & Ajit Ram Verma.
    Based on the writings of D.S. Kothari; includes his brief biographical sketch and review of his four books.
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    Images and the imaginary.K. Lycos - 1965 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):321-338.
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  36.  41
    A revealed preference analysis of solutions to simple allocation problems.Özgür Kıbrıs - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (4):509-523.
    We interpret solution rules on a class of simple allocation problems as data on the choices of a policy maker. We analyze conditions under which the policy maker’s choices are (i) rational (ii) transitive-rational, and (iii) representable; that is, they coincide with maximization of a (i) binary relation, (ii) transitive binary relation, and (iii) numerical function on the allocation space. Our main results are as follows: (i) a well-known property, contraction independence (a.k.a. IIA) is equivalent to rationality; (ii) every contraction (...)
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  37.  24
    Adiabática.Daniela Acosta Belaunde - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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  38.  40
    Psychological Impact of Stalking on Male and Female Health Care Professional Victims of Stalking and Domestic Violence.Daniela Acquadro Maran & Antonella Varetto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Agency matters! Social preferences in the three-person ultimatum game.Johanna Alexopoulos, Daniela M. Pfabigan, Florian Göschl, Herbert Bauer & Florian Ph S. Fischmeister - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  40.  4
    Kant y los retos práctico-morales de la actualidad.Daniela Alegría & Paula Órdenes (eds.) - 2017 - Madrid: Tecnos.
  41. O spet︠s︡ifike biologicheskogo poznanii︠a︡: tezisy k konferent︠s︡ii.I. K. Liseev, R. S. Karpinskai︠a︡ & V. A. Shchukov (eds.) - 1987 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  42.  69
    Humanities in medical education: Some contributions.K. Danner Clouser - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (3):289-301.
    The author discusses the contribution of humanities teaching in medical education. Five "qualities of mind" specifically engendered by the humanistic disciplines are isolated, delineated, and illustrated: critical abilities, flexibility of perspective, nondogmatism, discernment of values, and empathy and self-knowledge. Keywords: humanities, humanities and medicine, medical education CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  43.  31
    Correspondence.K. T. Frost - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (03):99-.
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  44.  26
    Curing Psychiatry's Schizophrenia: A Commentary in Values-Based PHD Mental Health Practice.K. W. M. Fulford - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):15-17.
    From the perspective of values-based practice, there is much of interest in Lorenzo Gilardi and Giovanni Stanghellini's "I am a Schizophrenic." Their dialogue exhibits many of the key elements of VBP, it exemplifies the particular challenges presented by VBP in mental health, it illustrates the power of phenomenology in meeting these challenges, and it points by extension to an insight into contemporary psychiatry's professional identity as a medical profession.VBP is a resource for working with values—with what matters or is important (...)
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  45.  7
    F. van de Paverd, Zur Geschichte der Meßliturgie in Antiocheia und Konstantinopel gegen Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts.K. Gamber - 1971 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 64 (2):371-373.
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  46. Pami︠a︡tniki ėsteticheskoĭ mysli Vostoka: tibetskiĭ kanon proport︠s︡iĭ: traktaty po ikonometrii i kompozit︠s︡ii Amdo, XVII v.K. M. Gerasimova - 1971 - Ulan-Udė: Buri︠a︡tskoe knizhnoe izdatelʹstvo. Edited by Sum-Pa Mkhan-Po Ye-Shes-Dpal-ʼbyor.
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  47. Differenz.K. Gloy - 2000 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 107 (1):206-218.
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  48. Die Kantische Theorie der Naturwissenschaft.K. Gloy - 1978 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 40 (4):670-671.
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  49.  52
    What Comparisons are Possible? - Gordon Braden: The Classics and English Renaissance Poetry; three case studies. Pp. xv + 303. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978. £12·60.K. W. Gransden - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (02):214-.
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    Radiolytic purification of CaO by electron beams.K. A. Mkhoyan, J. Silcox, M. A. Mcguire & F. J. Disalvo - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2907-2917.
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